Maenne Experience
The story of those who have seen, known, experienced Maenne multisensory system. Impressions, considerations and feelings that came from different experiences and needs.
Roberto Talamoni
“Maenne can open a new frontier even in the field of nutrition.”
Alfredo Sorichetti
Orchestra conductor
“Multisensory vibrations that are a source of peace and well-being.”
Simone Corradini
“An extraordinary means for regaining balance and concentration.”
Ramona Sanseverinati
“My winning formula for regaining energy and feeling good.”
Nicola Di Mattia
“Rebalancing and relaxation. Maenne is a valuable ally in treating certain types of dysfunction.”
Giorgio Tanoni
Vibrations, sounds, lights. And afterwards, relaxation and well-being.”
Piera Giardina
Lawyer, Reiki operator
and PSYCH-K® Facilitator.
“An intense experience involving all senses, in every part of the body.”
Luigi Chiaramoni
“An amazing experience: active relaxation, mental and physical well-being.”
Manuela Emili
Physiotherapist and Osteopath
“A relaxing and pleasant way to regenerate body, mind and energy”
Contact us
You can ask us for more details or make an appointment.